On Friday we got to go to a Rockies game to celebrate Uncle Ray's 50th birthday. We had such an awesome time. The Sanborn's did such an awesome job in planning the party. They had reserved a box for the game and that is definitely the way to watch a baseball game!

The girls were able to run around in the room...which was air conditioned!:)... and we were able to watch the game, without having to run around after them! Yahoo!!!! We had two rows in front of the box, so we were able to go outside to watch the game or hang out in the box. 

We like to watch baseball games at home and are Yankees fans, but after this game Karlee and Shelby decided they like the Rockies a little better! (Sorry Grandpa!)

Yep, the gal smiling at the edge of the picture is me...with braces. :( Hopefully this fall they will be off.