Karlee was so excited to finally start Kindergarten...she had been counting down the days all summer and was so excited for her turn to go to school. Needless to say Shelby and I were not as excited...we both knew we were going to miss Karlee. She wanted to the ride the bus to school and so I finally relented and let her. (And yes, I did follow the bus to school and still took her to her class...and no, I actually didn't cry! I cried enough the night before!)
Karlee's cubby! She was so excited for her little cubby to put her backpack in!
Home for the day! I was so excited for her to come home and to hear about her day. I was a little nervous about her riding the bus home, but Tanner rode the bus home with her, so I was good! She loved her first day and thinks her teacher, Mrs. Dauwen is the best teacher ever! Her favorite subject is recess. :)