SMILE!!! Just love this little boy!
Today, Kariesa and Jared got to seal Gavin to them. It was such a special day, and it brought back memories of when we got to seal Karlee and Shelby to GP and I. Mom and Dad came from New Jersey and brought Grandma Alley, Luke adn Mary Alley came over from Rexburg and lots of the Lamph family as well as friends of Kariesa and Jared's were there...it was neat to see so much support and love for Gavin and the Lamph's.

The day was a little wet and rainy, but when we got out of the temple we had a break in the rain so we were able to take pictures.

After the sealing we went and had a family lunch. Lots of food was made and not much was left over! I think there were 8 or so tables set up and the Jensen group took one and the Lamph clan took almost the rest of them. It is pretty awesome how their family supports each other so much. I wish our family was not as spread out, so we could get together a little more.