Over the weekend, we went camping and boating with the Kynaston's...its great having friends with a boat! The weather was beautiful and pretty warm...perfect weather to be out on the lake! We camped up by Fremont Lake, in which our camping involves bringing up our RV. Camping is the best when you have running water and a toilet! (Especially when you are camping with little girls who have to go potty a few times during the night.) The first night up at our campsite, Travis and Michelle made dinner. Prime Rib, Potatoes and Carrot Cake...all done in the dutch oven. They were practicing for the county fair's dutch oven cook off...I will be a guinea pig anytime! The girls played in the woods, in the dirt by the campsite and collected moths...so by the end of the night, they were pretty filthy. Yeah for being able to take a bath...another major plus for having an RV!

Karlee is only unhappy because she had to come inside for a bath...she could of played outside all night!

Beautiful blue eyes amongst the dirt!
The next day we got to go out on the boat. I LOVE being out on the lake! The girls had so much fun on the boat and tubing on the lake. This was the first time they got to be in the tubes by themselves. They were attached pretty close to the boat and Travis barely had the boat going for my sake...but they thought they were pretty big and had a blast!

Shelby thought she was a pretty good boat driver! We were driving back to our campsite by the lake and she thought she was steering by herself and didn't ever figure out the boat was on the trailer attached to the truck. :)