Hum, squirting requires a post all on its own. Being that we live in Wyoming, we have to drive long distances for just about everything and usually between the towns which can be up to 100 miles apart there is next to nothing and sagebrush between them. Girls have to learn the art of squatting...and yes, it is an art because the wind also blows here constantly, especially with nothing blocking it. So this summer, we taught the girls to squat.
During our last camping trip, Karlee came running to me and said, "I have to squirt!"...and I said, "huh?"...and she said, "I really have to squirt now!!"...being that I looked a little confused...she finally said, "Mom, you know, when you have to go potty outside...I need to pretend I am sitting on the toilet and "squirt" my potty out."
So, now, if anyones happens to be traveling with us in this great state of Wyoming, and my girls have to squirt, you will understand!
Friday, September 10, 2010
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Joy School!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010
First Day of School!

Karlee has been so excited for her first day of 1st grade. We got to go and see the new school and meet her new teacher, Mrs Jackson. It was fun to see all the fun things ready for her to do that first day. The playground is extra cool and I am sure that will be her favorite thing she gets to do everyday. You can just see by her face how happy she is to bere! I hope she is always this excited about going to school and learning!
She was so excited about this school outfit. She picked everything all by her self, right down to the shoes! Gram Pearson gave her some money for her birthday for a new outfit, and it was fun for her to look at all the different clothes and pick out her favorites. She even went up to the counter to pay for them herself!
Monday, September 6, 2010
Labor Day Weekend!
I LOVE Labor Day has become our tradition to go camping and get our firewood for the winter. Now, I know most people might think gathering wood isn't the funnest chore...but I do love the smell of freshly cut wood, being outdoors, and by Labor Day, there are NO BUGS!! That is probably my favorite part. The weather is usually pretty beautiful as well!
Kilee, Neil's daughter was able to come up and spend a few days with us. She helped watch the girls a bit so I could help with the wood gathering...mainly I just get to carry around the measure stick and carry the small pieces to the trailer to load.
GP doesn't quite trust me with the chainsaw yet, but, honestly, I don't trsut myself with that as well either.
We ended with up with a pretty good load, and had to come back up a few more days to finish. We don't block it up till we get home, so we can load it quicker and get more wood in a shorter amount of time.
While we were loading the wood, we saw a deer walk is amazing how unafraid they are...but then again, it isn't hunting season yet. It seems October 15th hits and there is not a deer insight then. :)
Usually by the end of the day the girls are so exhausted. I had gotten the girls into bed, Karlee first, and was working on Shelby, when I saw Karlee like this, completely fast asleep. Oh, such an angel! (I think I only say this when she is sleeping!)
Campfire time is also a favorite thing about camping. I love to hear the crackling of the wood, the breeze through the trees and telling fun ghost stories...note the FUN part. Scary ones don't quite work right now because then the girls will not go to the camper by themselves, even if it is only feet away from the camper. Hot chocoalte and marshmellows are a must!

Friday, August 27, 2010

So, on my birthday, I got to do the best thing possible! I got to spend the day with my sister and help her move into her new apartment.
Karlee, Shelby and I waited at the airport for her to arrive and the minute the girls saw Aunt Larlee, they went running up to see her. It was nice to give her a hug, because she still smelled like NJ home and also knowing as well, that just a few short hours before, Mom and Dad were giving her a hug. We went to Olive Garden (my favorite!) and had dinner. Then we picked up a few things at Grandpa Jensen's and then away to Provo we went.
It was so much fun helping her move in. It brought back so many memories of when I was moving into my aprtment, getting ready for college. Even though, I must say, her apartment was MUCH nicer...but I guess that is what happens when you are the last child with no other kids in college or on missions. :)
We stayed up late, hanging up clothes and getting a few things ready in her apartment...then I went to bed because I am old.
The next day we finished up a few more things and then did a little shopping.
I am so glad I have my little sister so much closer! Can't wait to spend even more time with her!
Karlee, Shelby and I waited at the airport for her to arrive and the minute the girls saw Aunt Larlee, they went running up to see her. It was nice to give her a hug, because she still smelled like NJ home and also knowing as well, that just a few short hours before, Mom and Dad were giving her a hug. We went to Olive Garden (my favorite!) and had dinner. Then we picked up a few things at Grandpa Jensen's and then away to Provo we went.
It was so much fun helping her move in. It brought back so many memories of when I was moving into my aprtment, getting ready for college. Even though, I must say, her apartment was MUCH nicer...but I guess that is what happens when you are the last child with no other kids in college or on missions. :)
We stayed up late, hanging up clothes and getting a few things ready in her apartment...then I went to bed because I am old.
The next day we finished up a few more things and then did a little shopping.
I am so glad I have my little sister so much closer! Can't wait to spend even more time with her!
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Our trip to Grandma Alley's
Kariesa and her kids and me and my kids took a trip to Laramie to spend sometime with Grandma Alley. On the way there, Kariesa and I were remembering the summers spent in Wyoming with Grandma and Grandpa Alley. So many fun memories! Sometimes, it seems like just yesterday that we were the kids in the backseat with our parents telling us to look out for the lights of Laramie. I still get excited when we go over that last hill and Laramie is in sight! Poor little, well, not really little Gavin started to not enjoy his carseat that last 20 minutes or so of the trip. He was crying and nothing would we kind of had to ignore it. After a bit, Karlee said, "Aunt Kariesa, do you know your baby is crying?"...she even started to cry a little bit because she felt so bad for Gavin. But has soon as we parked and opened the door, there was Gavin...all smiles!
As soon as we pulled into the driveway, it felt like coming home. I got to live here for 5 years while going to school and I am so glad that my girls get to see where I lived and spend time in "my" room. Grandma had some yummy pizza waiting for us, which was awesome, because we were all starving. It is nice to be taken care, you know!
While there, Grandma and I got to go to a quilt store and check out the new long arm quilt machines. Wow! So many amazing things it could do...I am wondering, if I am REALLY good, Santa can bring me one for Christmas...Oh that's right, I am Santa now in my house, so I guess its doubtful.
The next day, Grandma pulled out the dress ups. Loads of more memories! Kariesa and I played with these same dress ups when we would come to Laramie for the summers...wish I was still little enough to fit in them again.
I think my girls already have more fashion sense then I do!

They liked to pretend they were the bride and took turns wearing the blue veil. I think this veil was from a wedding my mom was a bridesmaid for a long time ago...
The girls kept Grandma pretty busy! She mended the dress ups and fixed the veil, got them snacks and helped them with anything they asked!

No outfit is complete without the shoes. Gotta love these shoes!
Time for break after the fashion show and dance. I haven't told the girls yet it is bedtime, hence the smiling faces.
As soon as we woke up and dressed for the day, the girls took off for Grandma's backyard and the swing. My dad fixed the swing when he was here this last no more slivers in the tush! My grandpa first hung the swing a long time ago for his grandkids...its awesome that the next generation can and have enjoyed the swing soo much! I think I have pictures of me in that swing when I was little!

Grandma and her favorite great grandkids.........
After a fun few days in Laramie, it was time to head back home. Gavin was pretty excited to get back in the car...he loves his carseat!!! :) I am glad that my sister lives so close to me and it is possible to take these road trips...I don't know of anyone else I would rather be with!
As soon as we pulled into the driveway, it felt like coming home. I got to live here for 5 years while going to school and I am so glad that my girls get to see where I lived and spend time in "my" room. Grandma had some yummy pizza waiting for us, which was awesome, because we were all starving. It is nice to be taken care, you know!
While there, Grandma and I got to go to a quilt store and check out the new long arm quilt machines. Wow! So many amazing things it could do...I am wondering, if I am REALLY good, Santa can bring me one for Christmas...Oh that's right, I am Santa now in my house, so I guess its doubtful.
The next day, Grandma pulled out the dress ups. Loads of more memories! Kariesa and I played with these same dress ups when we would come to Laramie for the summers...wish I was still little enough to fit in them again.

Friday, August 13, 2010
Karlee's 6!!!!

After breakfast, we cleaned up and got ready for the day. Her next birthday surprise was getting her hair cut. (Yep, she is my girl! She loves to go to the salon!) She got a really cute hairstyle and even a little glitter sprayed on since it was her birthday.
Afterwards, her friend Alexis came over and we headed to dinner. We went to Chinese of course, and had the Kynaston's and our cousin Neil come with us. We then went back to our house and had cake and ice cream.

Just before bedtime, I took her aside and told her the story of this day when she was born and the few days following. This has become our tradition for each of the girls on their birthdays. We look at pictures and say a prayer thanking Heavenly Father for sending Nicole and her Mom, Debbie, into our lives. We are blessed!
Karlee had such a fun day and I am so lucky we are the ones with her on this special day!
Friday, July 30, 2010
Camping and Boating with the Kynaston's!
Over the weekend, we went camping and boating with the Kynaston's...its great having friends with a boat! The weather was beautiful and pretty warm...perfect weather to be out on the lake! We camped up by Fremont Lake, in which our camping involves bringing up our RV. Camping is the best when you have running water and a toilet! (Especially when you are camping with little girls who have to go potty a few times during the night.) The first night up at our campsite, Travis and Michelle made dinner. Prime Rib, Potatoes and Carrot Cake...all done in the dutch oven. They were practicing for the county fair's dutch oven cook off...I will be a guinea pig anytime! The girls played in the woods, in the dirt by the campsite and collected by the end of the night, they were pretty filthy. Yeah for being able to take a bath...another major plus for having an RV!
Karlee is only unhappy because she had to come inside for a bath...she could of played outside all night!
Beautiful blue eyes amongst the dirt!
The next day we got to go out on the boat. I LOVE being out on the lake! The girls had so much fun on the boat and tubing on the lake. This was the first time they got to be in the tubes by themselves. They were attached pretty close to the boat and Travis barely had the boat going for my sake...but they thought they were pretty big and had a blast!

Shelby thought she was a pretty good boat driver! We were driving back to our campsite by the lake and she thought she was steering by herself and didn't ever figure out the boat was on the trailer attached to the truck. :)

The next day we got to go out on the boat. I LOVE being out on the lake! The girls had so much fun on the boat and tubing on the lake. This was the first time they got to be in the tubes by themselves. They were attached pretty close to the boat and Travis barely had the boat going for my sake...but they thought they were pretty big and had a blast!

Sunday, July 4, 2010
July 4th

Sunday, June 20, 2010
My Dandelion Girl

Everyday she picks me fresh flowers for my window ledge, plus lots extra. I find these flowers in her pockets, in her drawers, in all of her purses, and if any one stops by for a visit, they are sure to go home with a dandelion bouquet.

Last Memorial day we were in Cokeville to decorate some of the graves of our family and Shelby wanted to add her own touch. She found a patch of dandelions and decided to put them on Grandpa Alleys grave. Even though Grandpa was a weed science professor and dedicated his life trying to get rid of "weeds" like these...I am sure he had a good laugh and a twinkle in his eye.
The other day I was at the store and was about to pick up some weed killer and decided to put it back for now. There will be a time when I will have a beautiful lawn someday...but now I have a sweet little girl bringing me flowers everyday, and I know that this special time won't last forever.
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Princesses Live Here

So after my girls had pink eye for the third time in a month EVERYTHING got washed and sterilized. I almost didn't let my girls play in their room or toys for a week...but after a few days of having them follow me around, I decided that they could play with their things again. I had washed all of their dress up clothes and hung them out to dry on our only day of summer so far here in Pinedale. After I stepped back, I had to laugh a little. No doubt I have a couple of princesses living here.
My girls love anything sparkly, shiny and glittery. They also love anything to do with princesses and love to watch the Disney Princess movies (thanks mostly to Grandma J) and the Barbie princess movies over and over. So, of course, whenever they pretend or make believe it usually has to do with princesses. GP is a little worried that all this princess stuff is invading every aspect in our lives...especially after our drive up into the moutains. The higher we got, the more muddy it was getting, especially with the snow mostly melted and all of the rain. We never really got stuck, but had a few places we had a little bit of a hard time getting out of. After a couple tries trying to go up over a small hill without success, Shelby said, "Why don't we just whistle for the animals to come and help us over the mountain?" So, GP gave me that look and said, "And they don't watch enough princess movies?"
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Karlee's First Track Meet!
Karlee did the Hershey's Track and Field day that the PAC sponsered. She ran the 30 Meter Dash, 50 Meter Dash and the Long Jump. I think though, she had more fun just running and playing on the football field with all of the other kids. She won the 30 M Dash, and she would of gotten 2nd in the 50 M Dash, but instead of running through the ribbon at the finish line, she ran around it. Pretty good for her first track meet! She also placed 2nd on the Long Jump.
Long Jump

50 Meter Dash

On the Podium for the 30 Meter Dash
30 Meter Dash
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Gavin's Sealing Day

SMILE!!! Just love this little boy!
Today, Kariesa and Jared got to seal Gavin to them. It was such a special day, and it brought back memories of when we got to seal Karlee and Shelby to GP and I. Mom and Dad came from New Jersey and brought Grandma Alley, Luke adn Mary Alley came over from Rexburg and lots of the Lamph family as well as friends of Kariesa and Jared's were was neat to see so much support and love for Gavin and the Lamph's.

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