I LOVE Labor Day Weekend...it has become our tradition to go camping and get our firewood for the winter. Now, I know most people might think gathering wood isn't the funnest chore...but I do love the smell of freshly cut wood, being outdoors, and by Labor Day, there are NO BUGS!! That is probably my favorite part. The weather is usually pretty beautiful as well!

Kilee, Neil's daughter was able to come up and spend a few days with us. She helped watch the girls a bit so I could help with the wood gathering...mainly I just get to carry around the measure stick and carry the small pieces to the trailer to load.

GP doesn't quite trust me with the chainsaw yet, but, honestly, I don't trsut myself with that as well either.

We ended with up with a pretty good load, and had to come back up a few more days to finish. We don't block it up till we get home, so we can load it quicker and get more wood in a shorter amount of time.

While we were loading the wood, we saw a deer walk by...it is amazing how unafraid they are...but then again, it isn't hunting season yet. It seems October 15th hits and there is not a deer insight then. :)

Usually by the end of the day the girls are so exhausted. I had gotten the girls into bed, Karlee first, and was working on Shelby, when I saw Karlee like this, completely fast asleep. Oh, such an angel! (I think I only say this when she is sleeping!)

Campfire time is also a favorite thing about camping. I love to hear the crackling of the wood, the breeze through the trees and telling fun ghost stories...note the FUN part. Scary ones don't quite work right now because then the girls will not go to the camper by themselves, even if it is only feet away from the camper. Hot chocoalte and marshmellows are a must!
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