Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas 2011

The girls have been anxiously awaiting Christmas Eve all week, because thats when they know the fun begins! Some of my family traditions for Chritsmas are a nice family dinner and a nativity program and that is something that I have carried on with our family and hope that my girls will carry that same tradition on to theirs. The girls helped make alot of the dinner and were so excited to set the table with the Christmas dishes. Shelby ALWAYS takes a long time to eat, but she was actually done before almost everyone because she new what was coming next! Karlee asked what time it was and I said it was almost 7...she said, "Mom, it is way past our bedtime, we better hurry up!" Usually they are not so worried about bedtimes! We finished up dinner and dressed the girls up for the Nativity.
Karlee was Mary. She takes this job really seriously and was so cute holding Baby Jesus.

Shelby was our sweet Angel. Later, when we read a story about the Animals Christmas Eve, she got really excited when they talked about angels and exclaimed, "Thats what I am!"

The girls got to open one present which is always new jammies. They love jammies and are actually pretty excited to get these! The girls sprinkles reindeer food on the snow and we read the "Twas the Night Before Christmas" I was on the last few lines when they hear sleigh bells and Karlee had me finish the book fast so we could turn off the light. The girls both wanted us to get our things done quick because they knew Santa couldn't come until we were all in bed. I love that my girls still makes everything so magical and I love the memories that we are creating!
We had to wake the girls up....yes my girls love to sleep! We had church to go to, so we woke them up about 6:30. Karlee jumped right up, but Shelby had a little tougher time waking up.

The girls were pretty excited to see what Santa brought and what was in their stockings!

Karlee got a Walk & Giggle doll.

Shelby got a Leapster. Karlee got one a few years ago and she still plays with it quite a bit and doesn't share too well with Shelby. Shelby wrote in her letter to Santa she wanted a Leapster because "Karlee doesn't share hers".

We got the girls ready in their new Christmas dresses and went to church. They had a beautiful musical program. Really made a special start to the rest of the day!

We then had everyone come to our house for Christmas. It was so nice to have everyone come over and have the whole Pearson family together. We also got to have Joe and Twila Butner, Cole's parents, and Ray and Jeanette Sanborn, Betty Lou's sister and brother in law there as well.

Friday, October 7, 2011

A Prince's Castle

Halversen Photography Preview: Temple

I think I am going to make to use this idea with each of my girls favorite temples...came across this and had to share!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Mothers Day

Mothers Day started a little early this year. When Karlee got off the bus, the bus driver handed her something and she ran to meet me. She was so excited to give me her egg planter she made for me for Mothers Day. I asked her why the bus driver had it and she said she was so worried she might break it, so she had the our bus driver hold it until she got off the bus. So, of course that about made me cry. She was pretty proud of the face she drew because she thought it looked just like me. She also thinks that trimming the "hair" is going to be pretty cool. She wanted to put it on my window sill so that when I wake up, that is the first thing I see every morning.

Sunday was kind of a crazy day with meetings before church. I was a little sad the primary kids didn't sing during sacrament. The meeting was really good though. I really look forward to that, probably because I spent so many years wishing I had children singing to me.

After church, I heated up leftovers, fed the kids and GOT TO TAKE A NAP! That was the nicest thing my girls could of done for me. They played really quiet so I could actually have a nap...whch hasn't happened for months. So, what a great day I had!

Karlee then came home from school today with a little ceramic painted she placed it next to the egg planter on my window sill...I am getting quite the collection on my window sill, and I couldn't be happier.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Saint Patrick's Day 2011

This morning, before the girls got up, I mixed some green food coloring into the milk so when they had their cereal, it got to be green. Karlee was excited to see the milk...but of course, Shelby wasn't. She explained that if she doesn't like to even wear green, she REALLY doesn't like to eat green things that shouldn't be green. She went on to comment, "Great, my poop is going to be green too, huh?" I explained to her that this was fun and she needed to enjoy it...

While they were eating, I got out their green shirts. Shelby explained that she doesn't feel beautiful in green, but when I showed her that the shirt had a little sparkle and bling to it...she said it will do.

Karlee was excited to wear green today and see if her friends were wearing green. When she got home, I asked if they did any fun things today. She said that a Leprechaun named Rumpelstiltskin came and "trashed" their classroom. She really didn't explain to me how the room was trashed, but it sounded more like it was funny, and not a bad thing. I asked where this Leprechaun was from and she told me he came from the magical land of Maryland. I asked her if they had any green food for lunch, and she said they had some healthy food that was green, but of course she didn't eat that.

For dinner, we had chicken alfredo and I only made the noodles green...I could tell Shelby was almost pushed over the edge in regards to green by dinnertime.

Tikki Tikki Tembo

Karlee has been practicing and practicing for this school program since the day they first heard the songs in Music. It has been fun to hear her sing at home, but even more fun to watch the program. (We finally understood what the songs were about!)

She got to be a fan dancer, so she felt pretty special. I forgot to get our video camera ready and so tried to take a few videos with my camera...I can't seem to post if I figure it out, I will post the videos.

It was so funny to watch her the rest of the performance. After the fan dance, she went into the stands. She was in the middle group, smack dab in the middle. Pretty much all of the kids just sang and didn't move much, but of course Karlee didn't. She was dancing around, throwing her arms in the air, shaking her hips and singing as loud as possible. Maybe she thought it was suppose to be like "Glee"... Afterwards, quite a few parents came up to say how much they liked watching Karlee's performance. :)

Monday, March 14, 2011

Yellow Snow....

On Saturday, the girls were playing outside in the snow with Gene Paul and having a blast. Shelby actually outlasted Karlee, which is not normal. After awhile Shelby came in very excited to tell me that "Daddy made me some yellow snowballs!" She was having so much fun playing with them and she wants to keep them forever...

So, of course, my first reaction was, "What!?, What do you mean, yellow snow?!" Shelby said she would bring them in to show, but I didn't think that would be a good idea. I asked her how Daddy made the yellow snow and she said he made "yellow" balls with his hands...and that is when I remembered she can not say her "L's" and figured she was meaning to say "Little". Phew!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Um, I think I look a little ridiculous...

Karlee and Shelby have been asking me to learn how to do girls hair since I usually do there hair with my old standby of the quick ponytail. So we found a blog with a lot of cute styles and Shelby and I decided to try one. After about 8 rubberbands, holding her head at weird angles and 2 cute bows, I said "Tada! Look in the mirror!" I was obviously kind of excited about it...
Well, Shelby looked at her self for a bit and then said hesitantly, " Um, I think I kind of look ridiculous."

Friday, January 7, 2011

Dance Recital

The girls had such a great time at their dance recital. It was Shelby's first recital, so the energy and excitement level was pretty high!
Her sassy pose.
Can you see the excitement in her face!!

Karlee always like to know exactly where we are sitting and spends most of the dance waving and looking at us! :) So cute!

The girls were so excited about the flowers. We gave them flowers and so did Grandma and Da.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Happy New Year!!

Well, I guess I could say New Year's Eve was so exciting and fun I forgot to take pictures, but actually, that was not the case. We did have a fun night...but because the last few weeks have been so busy, both girls were pretty tired. We played Candy Land and then they went to 7. :)
We stayed up and played a few other games and barely made it to did we get so boring sooo quickly! So my New Years Resolution is to get out a little more and have fun! We have gotten to be quite the homebodies!
A few of my other New Years Resolutions are...
Be nicer to everyone.
Only eat chocolate on Sundays
Exercise everyday
Eat better
Do more with the girls
Go on more dates with my husband

I have already kind of messed up on the first two listed...but will get back on track by tomorrow...promise!