The girls have been anxiously awaiting Christmas Eve all week, because thats when they know the fun begins! Some of my family traditions for Chritsmas are a nice family dinner and a nativity program and that is something that I have carried on with our family and hope that my girls will carry that same tradition on to theirs. The girls helped make alot of the dinner and were so excited to set the table with the Christmas dishes. Shelby ALWAYS takes a long time to eat, but she was actually done before almost everyone because she new what was coming next! Karlee asked what time it was and I said it was almost 7...she said, "Mom, it is way past our bedtime, we better hurry up!" Usually they are not so worried about bedtimes!
We finished up dinner and dressed the girls up for the Nativity.
Karlee was Mary. She takes this job really seriously and was so cute holding Baby Jesus.
Shelby was our sweet Angel. Later, when we read a story about the Animals Christmas Eve, she got really excited when they talked about angels and exclaimed, "Thats what I am!"
The girls got to open one present which is always new jammies. They love jammies and are actually pretty excited to get these! The girls sprinkles reindeer food on the snow and we read the "Twas the Night Before Christmas" I was on the last few lines when they hear sleigh bells and Karlee had me finish the book fast so we could turn off the light. The girls both wanted us to get our things done quick because they knew Santa couldn't come until we were all in bed. I love that my girls still makes everything so magical and I love the memories that we are creating!
We had to wake the girls up....yes my girls love to sleep! We had church to go to, so we woke them up about 6:30. Karlee jumped right up, but Shelby had a little tougher time waking up.
The girls were pretty excited to see what Santa brought and what was in their stockings!
Karlee got a Walk & Giggle doll.
Shelby got a Leapster. Karlee got one a few years ago and she still plays with it quite a bit and doesn't share too well with Shelby. Shelby wrote in her letter to Santa she wanted a Leapster because "Karlee doesn't share hers".

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