Sunday, January 29, 2012


The first time we saw Beezus and Ramona, we have said that Shelby is our Ramona.  She finds herself getting in odd messes/siuations, likes to do things her own way and is pretty witty.  Lately we have been struggling with her hair.  It grows VERY fast, but it is very fine.  Needless to say, we have a pretty crazy rats nest to work out every time we brush her hair.  The longer her hair was getting, the tougher it was and we were both dreading the hair brushing routine.  So, the other morning, after about 10 minuites of trying to brush the rats out and many tears later...I put the brush down and exclaimed, "I am afraid the Rats have won the battle and have taken control of your hair!"  We put her hair up in a messy bun and I suggested a hair cut.  We both decided that maybe Rapunzel in "Tangled" was the cutest when her hair was short and brown and not long and blond. 
So, the next morning when we had a bit more time, we cut her hair.  I was a little nervous that she would be sad when we started cutting, since we took off about 10 inches.  But with every snip, she got more excited.  When it was done, I blowed dry and brushed her hair...with out a single rat showing up.  She was so excited and yelled, "We won the war today more rats AND I look just like you!"
Well, with the hair cut, we decided she really looks like Ramona now.  The girls were playing in their room, and I heard Shelby say to Karlee, "I am glad you are my Beezus." 

Me too.


Kariesa said...

love shelby's new hair...looks great!

Jenna said...

hilarious girl! that's a lot of hair to cut off! Wow! Looks super cute!

Larlee Jensen said...

Ramona and Beezus...perfect! The girls are adorable. Can't wait to see you all in a few weeks!