Back in July, GP changed out my dishwasher that wasn't working with a pretty neat dishwasher. The pretty neat dishwasher leaked though. I happened to look up at my ceiling below the kitchen and wondered what the bubbles were that were forming. Ran back up stairs and noticed our flooring was coming up a bit...that was when we figured out our kitchen was flooding from the dishwasher...the return water no less. :( My Mom was here and bravely popped the bubbles downstairs while I bravely held the buckets. I think she ended up getting more on her then in the buckets. Pretty stinky!
Fast forward to February...we finally had some time to change out the floor. So as we were taking out the bottom cabinets we noticed they had molded pretty badly and were crumbling...which meant new cabinets for me! I have been wanting new cabinets...but because it was not in our budget to get new cabinets, we had to purchase premade and unfinished. It's all good though. Since we took out the top cabinets, we (me mostly) decided to get rid of the little overhang above the cabinets that was a pretty fashionable 80's style, but not so much now. We have finally finished the drywall, taped and will be texturing and painting this week. I am kind of seeing the light at the end of the tunnel...kinda.
This means though, we have half of my kitchen upstairs and the other half downstairs. I am also doing most of my cooking in the microwave, toaster oven and woodstove. GP is not complaining to much when the sausage comes out a little rubbery from the microwave...because he knows the only way to really fix this is to finish my kitchen. I asked Karlee the other day to throw something away in the kitchen and she asked, "The broken kitchen or the one downstairs?". One positive thing...I have lost 4lbs running up and down the stairs.
The girls are doing great! Besides all the little was a pretty fun month. They had fun getting their Valentines together and coming home with lots of candies and goodies. They celebrated their 100th day of school and had a fun Leap day where they dressed up as their favorite book character.
Karlee dressed up as Fancy Nancy and Shelby dressed up as Pinkalicious. Shelby firsted wanted to dress up as a horse, but when I showed her how we could make ears and a tail...she exclaimed she would be way to embarressed to have a tail on her bum, what would people say! They also only had a half day of school, which of course always makes it the best day ever. Notice the close cropping of the pictures...there was an itty bitty corner in my living room without any kitchen stuff. I had to put my body at a weird angle to try and maneuver around to get these pictures...Shelby asked me how I did the crouch thing trying to get their picture...she said I looked pretty tricky.
Karlee lost another tooth. I went to put that tooth in the jar with her other tooth, but I can't find the jar...I am hoping I didn't use that jar to put food in. :( Hopefully when the kitchen is back to normal I can find it.
Shelby is really thriving in school. She loves doing homework. She had the letter "h" to work on and when she finished her homework she gave it to me to sign off. This is what I saw.
She felt that the letter "h" was a little boring so she needed to make it a little fancy. Just love this girl!
Thanks for the saga of your kitchen woes, never a dull moment. Will look forward to upcoming pictures of the finished product.
Really had a laugh over Karlee's label of the broken kitchen versus the one downstairs; hope you eventually find her lost tooth:)
Love the pictures of the Valentine girls and Shelby's remark at her "tricky" Mom photographer to say nothing of her remark on deciding against being a horse with the positioning of the tail and wondering what people would say :):)also her fancy "h".
wonderful to read what you guys are up to! Way to go handy-woman-jami. i kinda imagine myself becoming more & more handy like you (ty isn't a craftman or anything), but I like changing things up & secretly wish i had the tools and skills to fix & create.... anyway, i can't wait to see what you come up with.
The girls are adorable. i love the curly "h" - tell them hi from us!
It's sad about the kitchen but nice you lost 4 #. Hope you get it finished soon. Show pictures of it before and after. Your girls are pretty and look a lot alike. I have a blog too. Visit but don't expect much. I have one only to make comments on blogs.I follow.
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