Friday, January 7, 2011

Dance Recital

The girls had such a great time at their dance recital. It was Shelby's first recital, so the energy and excitement level was pretty high!
Her sassy pose.
Can you see the excitement in her face!!

Karlee always like to know exactly where we are sitting and spends most of the dance waving and looking at us! :) So cute!

The girls were so excited about the flowers. We gave them flowers and so did Grandma and Da.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Happy New Year!!

Well, I guess I could say New Year's Eve was so exciting and fun I forgot to take pictures, but actually, that was not the case. We did have a fun night...but because the last few weeks have been so busy, both girls were pretty tired. We played Candy Land and then they went to 7. :)
We stayed up and played a few other games and barely made it to did we get so boring sooo quickly! So my New Years Resolution is to get out a little more and have fun! We have gotten to be quite the homebodies!
A few of my other New Years Resolutions are...
Be nicer to everyone.
Only eat chocolate on Sundays
Exercise everyday
Eat better
Do more with the girls
Go on more dates with my husband

I have already kind of messed up on the first two listed...but will get back on track by tomorrow...promise!