Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Our little Shelby has got the sweetest little personality and is full of wit! Here are some of the funny things she has said the last few days:
-I put her in time out and as she sat down she said, "It seems I have been on time out all the days of my life!"
-I told her we were going to get to dye Easter eggs and she immediately began crying, saying we must not dye the eggs!...thinking that I meant "kill" the eggs.
-I asked her to please get dressed, and she ignored me, so I asked again.  She said, "I am sorry, I am Snow White...maybe if you ask nicely, "Snow White, will you please get dressed", I will get dressed."
-We were explaining that Karlee came down from heaven first and she burst into tears saying, "See, I never get to be first!"
-The day after Easter, she woke up and grabbed her Easter basket, and asked if she could have some candy. I told her she needed to wait until after lunch before she could have any more and she said, "I really don't think I had enough sugar yesterday."
Shelby makes us laugh every day...couldn't imagine our lives without her!

1 comment:

Jenna said...

haha! I love quotes of kids! They are my favorite things to see on blogs! What a doll! I miss little Shelby and her cute voice. I often find myself repeating her "I'm so lucky! (lucky pronounced as yucky!)"